
This is documentation for Rasa Documentation v2.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: 2.x


UnsupportedDialogueModelError Objects

class UnsupportedDialogueModelError(RasaCoreException)

Raised when a model is too old to be loaded.


  • message - explanation of why the model is invalid


| __init__(message: Text, model_version: Optional[Text] = None) -> None

Initialize message and model_version attributes.

AgentNotReady Objects

class AgentNotReady(RasaCoreException)

Raised if someone tries to use an agent that is not ready.

An agent might be created, e.g. without an interpreter attached. But if someone tries to parse a message with that agent, this exception will be thrown.


| __init__(message: Text) -> None

Initialize message attribute.

ChannelConfigError Objects

class ChannelConfigError(RasaCoreException)

Raised if a channel is not configured correctly.

InvalidTrackerFeaturizerUsageError Objects

class InvalidTrackerFeaturizerUsageError(RasaCoreException)

Raised if a tracker featurizer is incorrectly used.