
This is documentation for Rasa Documentation v2.x, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: 2.x


SingleStateFeaturizer Objects

class SingleStateFeaturizer()

Base class to transform the dialogue state into an ML format.

Subclasses of SingleStateFeaturizer will decide how a bot will transform the dialogue state into a dictionary mapping an attribute to its features. Possible attributes are: INTENT, TEXT, ACTION_NAME, ACTION_TEXT, ENTITIES, SLOTS and ACTIVE_LOOP. Each attribute will be featurized into a list of rasa.utils.features.Features.


| __init__() -> None

Initialize the single state featurizer.


| prepare_for_training(domain: Domain, interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter, bilou_tagging: bool = False) -> None

Gets necessary information for featurization from domain.


  • domain - An instance of :class:rasa.shared.core.domain.Domain.
  • interpreter - The interpreter used to encode the state
  • bilou_tagging - indicates whether BILOU tagging should be used or not


| encode_state(state: State, interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter) -> Dict[Text, List[Features]]

Encodes the given state with the help of the given interpreter.


  • state - The state to encode
  • interpreter - The interpreter used to encode the state


A dictionary of state_type to list of features.


| encode_entities(entity_data: Dict[Text, Any], interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter, bilou_tagging: bool = False) -> Dict[Text, List[Features]]

Encodes the given entity data with the help of the given interpreter.

Produce numeric entity tags for tokens.


  • entity_data - The dict containing the text and entity labels and locations
  • interpreter - The interpreter used to encode the state
  • bilou_tagging - indicates whether BILOU tagging should be used or not


A dictionary of entity type to list of features.


| encode_all_labels(domain: Domain, interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter) -> List[Dict[Text, List[Features]]]

Encodes all labels from the domain using the given interpreter.


  • domain - The domain that contains the labels.
  • interpreter - The interpreter used to encode the labels.


A list of encoded labels.


| encode_all_actions(domain: Domain, interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter) -> List[Dict[Text, List[Features]]]

Encodes all actions from the domain using the given interpreter.

This method is deprecated and will be removed in Rasa Open Source 3.0.0 . It is recommended to use encode_all_labels instead.


  • domain - The domain that contains the actions.
  • interpreter - The interpreter used to encode the actions.


A list of encoded actions.

IntentTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer Objects

class IntentTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer(SingleStateFeaturizer)

A SingleStateFeaturizer for use with policies that predict intent labels.


| encode_all_labels(domain: Domain, interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter) -> List[Dict[Text, List[Features]]]

Encodes all relevant labels from the domain using the given interpreter.


  • domain - The domain that contains the labels.
  • interpreter - The interpreter used to encode the labels.


A list of encoded labels.

BinarySingleStateFeaturizer Objects

class BinarySingleStateFeaturizer(SingleStateFeaturizer)

Dialogue State featurizer which features the state as binaries.


| __init__() -> None

Creates featurizer.