Version: Latest

Flow Builder — Manage flows

View flows

There are 2 ways to view flows:

  • Viewing the flow table. This is the first thing you see when you visit the flow builder. Here, you can see the description and status of each flow. Flows are sorted by the creating date.
  • Viewing the flow list: To access this list, click on the "See flows" button in the upper left corner of the canvas. Here, you’ll also see which flows are linked to the current flow, if any.

Edit flows

To edit a flow’s name or description, return to the list of flows and click the "Edit" button near the corresponding flow.


Delete flows

To delete a flow, click the "Delete" button. A confirmation modal will appear, as deleting a flow can be very destructive. In the window that pops up, type in the name of the flow you wish to delete.


A confirmation modal will appear because deleting flow can be very destructive. In the window that appears, type in the name of the flow you wish to delete.


Search flows

You can search for flows by typing their names into the search bar.


Step and step label

Delete step

Deleting a step other than Logic doesn’t remove the elements used in that step. For example, deleting a reply step only removes it from this section of the flow; the reply used in that step remains intact.


Add step label

When adding a step, its type dictates the displayed information. Details added to the step are used to present it. If the automatic display isn’t helpful, you can add labels to the steps to make them more descriptive and easier to navigate.


Navigating the canvas

Here are the navigation options supported in Flow Builder:

  • Zoom in using keyboard and mouse
  • Zoom out using keyboard and mouse
  • Adjust the screen display size
  • Move around the canvas using keyboard and mouse