
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
For the latest released documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: Main/Unreleased


FormAction Objects

class FormAction(LoopAction)

Action which implements and executes the form logic.


def __init__(form_name: Text,
action_endpoint: Optional[EndpointConfig]) -> None

Creates a FormAction.


  • form_name - Name of the form.
  • action_endpoint - Endpoint to execute custom actions.


def name() -> Text

Return the form name.


def required_slots(domain: Domain) -> List[Text]

A list of required slots that the form has to fill.


A list of slot names.


def from_entity(entity: Text,
intent: Optional[Union[Text, List[Text]]] = None,
not_intent: Optional[Union[Text, List[Text]]] = None,
role: Optional[Text] = None,
group: Optional[Text] = None) -> Dict[Text, Any]

A dictionary for slot mapping to extract slot value.


  • an extracted entity
  • conditioned on
    • intent if it is not None
    • not_intent if it is not None, meaning user intent should not be this intent
    • role if it is not None
    • group if it is not None


def get_mappings_for_slot(slot_to_fill: Text,
domain: Domain) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]

Get mappings for requested slot.

If None, map requested slot to an entity with the same name


def entity_mapping_is_unique(slot_mapping: Dict[Text, Any],
domain: Domain) -> bool

Verifies if the from_entity mapping is unique.


def get_entity_value_for_slot(name: Text,
tracker: "DialogueStateTracker",
slot_to_be_filled: Text,
role: Optional[Text] = None,
group: Optional[Text] = None) -> Any

Extract entities for given name and optional role and group.


  • name - entity type (name) of interest
  • tracker - the tracker
  • slot_to_be_filled - Slot which is supposed to be filled by this entity.
  • role - optional entity role of interest
  • group - optional entity group of interest


Value of entity.


def get_slot_to_fill(tracker: "DialogueStateTracker") -> Optional[str]

Gets the name of the slot which should be filled next.

When switching to another form, the requested slot setting is still from the previous form and must be ignored.


The slot name or None


async def validate_slots(
slot_candidates: Dict[Text, Any], tracker: "DialogueStateTracker",
domain: Domain, output_channel: OutputChannel,
nlg: NaturalLanguageGenerator) -> List[Union[SlotSet, Event]]

Validate the extracted slots.

If a custom action is available for validating the slots, we call it to validate them. Otherwise there is no validation.


  • slot_candidates - Extracted slots which are candidates to fill the slots required by the form.
  • tracker - The current conversation tracker.
  • domain - The current model domain.
  • output_channel - The output channel which can be used to send messages to the user.
  • nlg - NaturalLanguageGenerator to use for response generation.


The validation events including potential bot messages and SlotSet events for the validated slots, if the custom form validation action is present in domain actions. Otherwise, returns empty list since the extracted slots already have corresponding SlotSet events in the tracker.


async def validate(
tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: Domain,
output_channel: OutputChannel,
nlg: NaturalLanguageGenerator) -> List[Union[SlotSet, Event]]

Extract and validate value of requested slot and other slots.


The new validation events created by the custom form validation action


ActionExecutionRejection exception to reject execution of form action if nothing was extracted.

Subclass this method to add custom validation and rejection logic.


async def request_next_slot(
tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: Domain,
output_channel: OutputChannel, nlg: NaturalLanguageGenerator,
events_so_far: List[Event]) -> List[Union[SlotSet, Event]]

Request the next slot and response if needed, else return None.


async def activate(output_channel: "OutputChannel",
nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator",
tracker: "DialogueStateTracker",
domain: "Domain") -> List[Event]

Activate form if the form is called for the first time.

If activating, run action_extract_slots to fill slots with mapping conditions from trigger intents. Validate any required slots that can be filled, and return any SlotSet events from the extraction and validation of these pre-filled slots.


  • output_channel - The output channel which can be used to send messages to the user.
  • nlg - NaturalLanguageGenerator to use for response generation.
  • tracker - Current conversation tracker of the user.
  • domain - Current model domain.


Events from the activation.


async def do(output_channel: "OutputChannel", nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator",
tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain",
events_so_far: List[Event]) -> List[Event]

Executes form loop after activation.


async def is_done(output_channel: "OutputChannel",
nlg: "NaturalLanguageGenerator",
tracker: "DialogueStateTracker", domain: "Domain",
events_so_far: List[Event]) -> bool

Checks if loop can be terminated.


async def deactivate(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Event]

Deactivates form.