
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
For the latest released documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: Main/Unreleased


SchemaNode Objects

class SchemaNode()

Represents one node in the schema.


  • needs - describes which parameters in fn (or constructor_name if eager==False) are filled by which parent nodes.
  • uses - The class which models the behavior of this specific graph node.
  • constructor_name - The name of the constructor which should be used to instantiate the component. If eager==False then the constructor can also specify parameters which are filled by parent nodes. This is e.g. useful if a parent node returns a Resource and this node wants to directly load itself from this resource.
  • fn - The name of the function which should be called on the instantiated component when the graph is executed. The parameters from needs are filled from the parent nodes.
  • fn1 - The user's configuration for this graph node. This configuration does not need to be specify all possible parameters; the default values for missing parameters will be filled in later.
  • fn2 - If fn2 then the component is instantiated before the graph is run. Otherwise it's instantiated as the graph runs (lazily). Usually we always instantiated lazily during training and eagerly during inference (to avoid that the first prediction takes longer).
  • fn4 - If fn5 then this node can't be pruned during fingerprinting (it might be replaced with a cached value though). This is e.g. used for all components which train as their result always needs to be added to the model archive so that the data is available during inference.
  • fn6 - Nodes with fn6 are always run (also during the fingerprint run). This makes sure that we e.g. detect changes in file contents.
  • fn8 - If given, then the graph node is loaded from an existing resource instead of instantiated from scratch. This is e.g. used to load a trained component for predictions.

GraphSchema Objects

class GraphSchema()

Represents a graph for training a model or making predictions.


def as_dict() -> Dict[Text, Any]

Returns graph schema in a serializable format.


The graph schema in a format which can be dumped as JSON or other formats.


def from_dict(cls, serialized_graph_schema: Dict[Text, Any]) -> GraphSchema

Loads a graph schema which has been serialized using schema.as_dict().


  • serialized_graph_schema - A serialized graph schema.


A properly loaded schema.


  • GraphSchemaException - In case the component class for a node couldn't be found.


def target_names() -> List[Text]

Returns the names of all target nodes.


def minimal_graph_schema(targets: Optional[List[Text]] = None) -> GraphSchema

Returns a new schema where all nodes are a descendant of a target.

GraphComponent Objects

class GraphComponent(ABC)

Interface for any component which will run in a graph.


def required_components(cls) -> List[Type]

Components that should be included in the pipeline before this component.


def create(cls, config: Dict[Text, Any], model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Resource,
execution_context: ExecutionContext) -> GraphComponent

Creates a new GraphComponent.


  • config - This config overrides the default_config.
  • model_storage - Storage which graph components can use to persist and load themselves.
  • resource - Resource locator for this component which can be used to persist and load itself from the model_storage.
  • execution_context - Information about the current graph run.
  • Returns - An instantiated GraphComponent.


def load(cls, config: Dict[Text, Any], model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Resource, execution_context: ExecutionContext,
**kwargs: Any) -> GraphComponent

Creates a component using a persisted version of itself.

If not overridden this method merely calls create.


  • config - The config for this graph component. This is the default config of the component merged with config specified by the user.
  • model_storage - Storage which graph components can use to persist and load themselves.
  • resource - Resource locator for this component which can be used to persist and load itself from the model_storage.
  • execution_context - Information about the current graph run.
  • kwargs - Output values from previous nodes might be passed in as kwargs.


An instantiated, loaded GraphComponent.


def get_default_config() -> Dict[Text, Any]

Returns the component's default config.

Default config and user config are merged by the GraphNode before the config is passed to the create and load method of the component.


The default config of the component.


def supported_languages() -> Optional[List[Text]]

Determines which languages this component can work with.

Returns: A list of supported languages, or None to signify all are supported.


def not_supported_languages() -> Optional[List[Text]]

Determines which languages this component cannot work with.

Returns: A list of not supported languages, or None to signify all are supported.


def required_packages() -> List[Text]

Any extra python dependencies required for this component to run.


def fingerprint_addon(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]

Adds additional data to the fingerprint calculation.

This is useful if a component uses external data that is not provided by the graph.

GraphNodeHook Objects

class GraphNodeHook(ABC)

Holds functionality to be run before and after a GraphNode.


def on_before_node(node_name: Text, execution_context: ExecutionContext,
config: Dict[Text, Any],
received_inputs: Dict[Text, Any]) -> Dict

Runs before the GraphNode executes.


  • node_name - The name of the node being run.
  • execution_context - The execution context of the current graph run.
  • config - The node's config.
  • received_inputs - Mapping from parameter name to input value.


Data that is then passed to on_after_node


def on_after_node(node_name: Text, execution_context: ExecutionContext,
config: Dict[Text, Any], output: Any,
input_hook_data: Dict) -> None

Runs after the GraphNode as executed.


  • node_name - The name of the node that has run.
  • execution_context - The execution context of the current graph run.
  • config - The node's config.
  • output - The output of the node.
  • input_hook_data - Data returned from on_before_node.

ExecutionContext Objects

class ExecutionContext()

Holds information about a single graph run.

GraphNode Objects

class GraphNode()

Instantiates and runs a GraphComponent within a graph.

A GraphNode is a wrapper for a GraphComponent that allows it to be executed in the context of a graph. It is responsible for instantiating the component at the correct time, collecting the inputs from the parent nodes, running the run function of the component and passing the output onwards.


def __init__(node_name: Text,
component_class: Type[GraphComponent],
constructor_name: Text,
component_config: Dict[Text, Any],
fn_name: Text,
inputs: Dict[Text, Text],
eager: bool,
model_storage: ModelStorage,
resource: Optional[Resource],
execution_context: ExecutionContext,
hooks: Optional[List[GraphNodeHook]] = None) -> None

Initializes GraphNode.


  • node_name - The name of the node in the schema.
  • component_class - The class to be instantiated and run.
  • constructor_name - The method used to instantiate the component.
  • component_config - Config to be passed to the component.
  • fn_name - The function on the instantiated GraphComponent to be run when the node executes.
  • inputs - A map from input name to parent node name that provides it.
  • eager - Determines if the node is instantiated right away, or just before being run.
  • model_storage - Storage which graph components can use to persist and load themselves.
  • node_name0 - If given the GraphComponent will be loaded from the model_storage using the given resource.
  • node_name3 - Information about the current graph run.
  • node_name4 - These are called before and after execution.


def __call__(
*inputs_from_previous_nodes: Union[Tuple[Text, Any], Text]
) -> Tuple[Text, Any]

Calls the GraphComponent run method when the node executes in the graph.


  • *inputs_from_previous_nodes - The output of all parent nodes. Each is a dictionary with a single item mapping the node's name to its output. If the node couldn't be resolved and has no output, the node name is provided instead of a tuple.


The node name and its output.


def from_schema_node(cls,
node_name: Text,
schema_node: SchemaNode,
model_storage: ModelStorage,
execution_context: ExecutionContext,
hooks: Optional[List[GraphNodeHook]] = None) -> GraphNode

Creates a GraphNode from a SchemaNode.

GraphModelConfiguration Objects

class GraphModelConfiguration()

The model configuration to run as a graph during training and prediction.