
This is unreleased documentation for Rasa Documentation Main/Unreleased version.
For the latest released documentation, see the latest version (3.x).

Version: Main/Unreleased



def featurize_training_examples(
training_examples: List[Message],
attributes: List[Text],
entity_tag_specs: Optional[List["EntityTagSpec"]] = None,
featurizers: Optional[List[Text]] = None,
bilou_tagging: bool = False
) -> Tuple[List[Dict[Text, List["Features"]]], Dict[Text, Dict[Text,

Converts training data into a list of attribute to features.

Possible attributes are, for example, INTENT, RESPONSE, TEXT, ACTION_TEXT, ACTION_NAME or ENTITIES. Also returns sparse feature sizes for each attribute. It could look like this: {TEXT: {FEATURE_TYPE_SEQUENCE: [16, 32], FEATURE_TYPE_SENTENCE: [16, 32]}}.


  • training_examples - the list of training examples
  • attributes - the attributes to consider
  • entity_tag_specs - the entity specs
  • featurizers - the featurizers to consider
  • bilou_tagging - indicates whether BILOU tagging should be used or not


A list of attribute to features. A dictionary of attribute to feature sizes.


def get_tag_ids(example: Message, tag_spec: "EntityTagSpec",
bilou_tagging: bool) -> "Features"

Creates a feature array containing the entity tag ids of the given example.


  • example - the message
  • tag_spec - entity tag spec
  • bilou_tagging - indicates whether BILOU tagging should be used or not


A list of features.


def convert_to_data_format(
features: Union[List[List[Dict[Text, List["Features"]]]],
List[Dict[Text, List["Features"]]]],
fake_features: Optional[Dict[Text, List["Features"]]] = None,
consider_dialogue_dimension: bool = True,
featurizers: Optional[List[Text]] = None
) -> Tuple[Data, Dict[Text, List["Features"]]]

Converts the input into "Data" format.

"features" can, for example, be a dictionary of attributes (INTENT, TEXT, ACTION_NAME, ACTION_TEXT, ENTITIES, SLOTS, FORM) to a list of features for all dialogue turns in all training trackers. For NLU training it would just be a dictionary of attributes (either INTENT or RESPONSE, TEXT, and potentially ENTITIES) to a list of features for all training examples.

The "Data" format corresponds to Dict[Text, Dict[Text, List[FeatureArray]]]. It's a dictionary of attributes (e.g. TEXT) to a dictionary of secondary attributes (e.g. SEQUENCE or SENTENCE) to the list of actual features.


  • features - a dictionary of attributes to a list of features for all examples in the training data
  • fake_features - Contains default feature values for attributes
  • consider_dialogue_dimension - If set to false the dialogue dimension will be removed from the resulting sequence features.
  • featurizers - the featurizers to consider


Input in "Data" format and fake features