Version: 3.x



def get_validated_path(
current: Optional[Union["Path", Text]],
parameter: Text,
default: Optional[Union["Path", Text]] = None,
none_is_valid: bool = False) -> Optional[Union["Path", Text]]

Checks whether a file path or its default value is valid and returns it.


  • current - The parsed value.
  • parameter - The name of the parameter.
  • default - The default value of the parameter.
  • none_is_valid - True if None is valid value for the path, else `False``


The current value if it was valid, else the default value of the argument if it is valid, else None.


def missing_config_keys(path: Union["Path", Text],
mandatory_keys: List[Text]) -> List[Text]

Checks whether the config file at path contains the mandatory_keys.


  • path - The path to the config file.
  • mandatory_keys - A list of mandatory config keys.


The list of missing config keys.


def validate_assistant_id_in_config(config_file: Union["Path", Text]) -> None

Verifies that the assistant_id key exists and has a unique value in config.

Issues a warning if the key does not exist or has the default value and replaces it with a pseudo-random string value.


def validate_config_path(config: Optional[Union[Text, "Path"]],
default_config: Text = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) -> Text

Verifies that the config path exists.

Exit if the config file does not exist.


  • config - Path to the config file.
  • default_config - default config to use if the file at config doesn't exist.
  • Returns - The path to the config file.


def validate_mandatory_config_keys(config: Union[Text, "Path"],
mandatory_keys: List[Text]) -> Text

Get a config from a config file and check if it is valid.

Exit if the config isn't valid.


  • config - Path to the config file.
  • mandatory_keys - The keys that have to be specified in the config file.
  • Returns - The path to the config file if the config is valid.


def get_validated_config(config: Optional[Union[Text, "Path"]],
mandatory_keys: List[Text],
default_config: Text = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) -> Text

Validates config and returns path to validated config file.


def validate_files(fail_on_warnings: bool,
max_history: Optional[int],
importer: TrainingDataImporter,
stories_only: bool = False) -> None

Validates either the story structure or the entire project.


  • fail_on_warnings - True if the process should exit with a non-zero status
  • max_history - The max history to use when validating the story structure.
  • importer - The TrainingDataImporter to use to load the training data.
  • stories_only - If True, only the story structure is validated.


def cancel_cause_not_found(current: Optional[Union["Path",
Text]], parameter: Text,
default: Optional[Union["Path", Text]]) -> None

Exits with an error because the given path was not valid.


  • current - The path given by the user.
  • parameter - The name of the parameter.
  • default - The default value of the parameter.


def parse_last_positional_argument_as_model_path() -> None

Fixes the parsing of a potential positional model path argument.


def button_to_string(button: Dict[Text, Any], idx: int = 0) -> Text

Create a string representation of a button.


def element_to_string(element: Dict[Text, Any], idx: int = 0) -> Text

Create a string representation of an element.


def button_choices_from_message_data(
message: Dict[Text, Any],
allow_free_text_input: bool = True) -> List[Text]

Return list of choices to present to the user.

If allow_free_text_input is True, an additional option is added at the end along with the response buttons that allows the user to type in free text.


async def payload_from_button_question(button_question: "Question") -> Text

Prompt user with a button question and returns the nlu payload.


def signal_handler(_: int, __: FrameType) -> None

Kills Rasa when OS signal is received.