Version: 3.x


WrongPredictionException Objects

class WrongPredictionException(RasaException, ValueError)

Raised if a wrong prediction is encountered.

WarningPredictedAction Objects

class WarningPredictedAction(ActionExecuted)

The model predicted the correct action with warning.


def __init__(action_name_prediction: Text,
action_name: Optional[Text] = None,
policy: Optional[Text] = None,
confidence: Optional[float] = None,
timestamp: Optional[float] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None)

Creates event action_unlikely_intent predicted as warning.

See the docstring of the parent class for more information.


def inline_comment(**kwargs: Any) -> Text

A comment attached to this event. Used during dumping.

WronglyPredictedAction Objects

class WronglyPredictedAction(ActionExecuted)

The model predicted the wrong action.

Mostly used to mark wrong predictions and be able to dump them as stories.


def __init__(action_name_target: Text,
action_text_target: Text,
action_name_prediction: Text,
policy: Optional[Text] = None,
confidence: Optional[float] = None,
timestamp: Optional[float] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
predicted_action_unlikely_intent: bool = False) -> None

Creates event for a successful event execution.

See the docstring of the parent class ActionExecuted for more information.


def inline_comment(**kwargs: Any) -> Text

A comment attached to this event. Used during dumping.


def as_story_string() -> Text

Returns the story equivalent representation.


def __repr__() -> Text

Returns event as string for debugging.

EvaluationStore Objects

class EvaluationStore()

Class storing action, intent and entity predictions and targets.


def __init__(
action_predictions: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
action_targets: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
intent_predictions: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
intent_targets: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
entity_predictions: Optional[List["EntityPrediction"]] = None,
entity_targets: Optional[List["EntityPrediction"]] = None) -> None

Initialize store attributes.


def add_to_store(
action_predictions: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
action_targets: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
intent_predictions: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
intent_targets: Optional[PredictionList] = None,
entity_predictions: Optional[List["EntityPrediction"]] = None,
entity_targets: Optional[List["EntityPrediction"]] = None) -> None

Add items or lists of items to the store.


def merge_store(other: "EvaluationStore") -> None

Add the contents of other to self.


def check_prediction_target_mismatch() -> bool

Checks if intent, entity or action predictions don't match expected ones.


def serialise() -> Tuple[PredictionList, PredictionList]

Turn targets and predictions to lists of equal size for sklearn.

EndToEndUserUtterance Objects

class EndToEndUserUtterance(UserUttered)

End-to-end user utterance.

Mostly used to print the full end-to-end user message in the failed_test_stories.yml output file.


def as_story_string(e2e: bool = True) -> Text

Returns the story equivalent representation.

WronglyClassifiedUserUtterance Objects

class WronglyClassifiedUserUtterance(UserUttered)

The NLU model predicted the wrong user utterance.

Mostly used to mark wrong predictions and be able to dump them as stories.


def __init__(event: UserUttered, eval_store: EvaluationStore) -> None

Set predicted_intent and predicted_entities attributes.


def inline_comment(force_comment_generation: bool = False) -> Optional[Text]

A comment attached to this event. Used during dumping.


def inline_comment_for_entity(predicted: Dict[Text, Any],
entity: Dict[Text, Any]) -> Optional[Text]

Returns the predicted entity which is then printed as a comment.


def as_story_string(e2e: bool = True) -> Text

Returns text representation of event.


def emulate_loop_rejection(partial_tracker: DialogueStateTracker) -> None

Add ActionExecutionRejected event to the tracker.

During evaluation, we don't run action server, therefore in order to correctly test unhappy paths of the loops, we need to emulate loop rejection.


  • partial_tracker - a :class:rasa.core.trackers.DialogueStateTracker


async def test(stories: Text,
agent: "Agent",
max_stories: Optional[int] = None,
out_directory: Optional[Text] = None,
fail_on_prediction_errors: bool = False,
e2e: bool = False,
disable_plotting: bool = False,
successes: bool = False,
errors: bool = True,
warnings: bool = True) -> Dict[Text, Any]

Run the evaluation of the stories, optionally plot the results.


  • stories - the stories to evaluate on
  • agent - the agent
  • max_stories - maximum number of stories to consider
  • out_directory - path to directory to results to
  • fail_on_prediction_errors - boolean indicating whether to fail on prediction errors or not
  • e2e - boolean indicating whether to use end to end evaluation or not
  • disable_plotting - boolean indicating whether to disable plotting or not
  • successes - boolean indicating whether to write down successful predictions or not
  • errors - boolean indicating whether to write down incorrect predictions or not
  • warnings - boolean indicating whether to write down prediction warnings or not


Evaluation summary.


async def compare_models_in_dir(
model_dir: Text,
stories_file: Text,
output: Text,
use_conversation_test_files: bool = False) -> None

Evaluates multiple trained models in a directory on a test set.


  • model_dir - path to directory that contains the models to evaluate
  • stories_file - path to the story file
  • output - output directory to store results to
  • use_conversation_test_files - True if conversation test files should be used for testing instead of regular Core story files.


async def compare_models(models: List[Text],
stories_file: Text,
output: Text,
use_conversation_test_files: bool = False) -> None

Evaluates multiple trained models on a test set.


  • models - Paths to model files.
  • stories_file - path to the story file
  • output - output directory to store results to
  • use_conversation_test_files - True if conversation test files should be used for testing instead of regular Core story files.