Version: 3.x



def nlg_response_format_spec() -> Dict[Text, Any]

Expected response schema for an NLG endpoint.

Used for validation of the response returned from the NLG endpoint.


def nlg_request_format(utter_action: Text, tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
output_channel: Text, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[Text, Any]

Create the json body for the NLG json body for the request.

CallbackNaturalLanguageGenerator Objects

class CallbackNaturalLanguageGenerator(NaturalLanguageGenerator)

Generate bot utterances by using a remote endpoint for the generation.

The generator will call the endpoint for each message it wants to generate. The endpoint needs to respond with a properly formatted json. The generator will use this message to create a response for the bot.


async def generate(utter_action: Text, tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
output_channel: Text, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[Text, Any]

Retrieve a named response from the domain using an endpoint.


def validate_response(content: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]]) -> bool

Validate the NLG response. Raises exception on failure.


def fetch_response_id(
utter_action: Text, tracker: DialogueStateTracker, output_channel: Text,
domain_responses: Optional[Dict[Text, List[Dict[Text, Any]]]]
) -> Optional[Text]

Fetch the response id for the utter action.

The response id is retrieved from the domain responses for the utter action given the tracker state and channel.