Version: 3.x
UnsupportedModelVersionError Objects
class UnsupportedModelVersionError(RasaException)
Raised when a model is too old to be loaded.
- the used model version that is not supported and triggered this exception
ModelNotFound Objects
class ModelNotFound(RasaException)
Raised when a model is not found in the path provided by the user.
NoEventsToMigrateError Objects
class NoEventsToMigrateError(RasaException)
Raised when no events to be migrated are found.
NoConversationsInTrackerStoreError Objects
class NoConversationsInTrackerStoreError(RasaException)
Raised when a tracker store does not contain any conversations.
NoEventsInTimeRangeError Objects
class NoEventsInTimeRangeError(RasaException)
Raised when a tracker store does not contain events within a given time range.
MissingDependencyException Objects
class MissingDependencyException(RasaException)
Raised if a python package dependency is needed, but not installed.
PublishingError Objects
class PublishingError(RasaException)
Raised when publishing of an event fails.
- Unix timestamp of the event during which publishing fails.
def __str__() -> Text
Returns string representation of exception.
ActionLimitReached Objects
class ActionLimitReached(RasaException)
Raised when predicted action limit is reached.