Version: 3.x

UserMessage Objects

class UserMessage()

Represents an incoming message.

Includes the channel the responses should be sent to.


def __init__(text: Optional[Text] = None,
output_channel: Optional["OutputChannel"] = None,
sender_id: Optional[Text] = None,
parse_data: Dict[Text, Any] = None,
input_channel: Optional[Text] = None,
message_id: Optional[Text] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None

Creates a UserMessage object.


  • text - the message text content.
  • output_channel - the output channel which should be used to send bot responses back to the user.
  • sender_id - the message owner ID.
  • parse_data - rasa data about the message.
  • input_channel - the name of the channel which received this message.
  • message_id - ID of the message.
  • metadata - additional metadata for this message.


def register(input_channels: List["InputChannel"], app: Sanic,
route: Optional[Text]) -> None

Registers input channel blueprints with Sanic.

InputChannel Objects

class InputChannel()

Input channel base class.


def name(cls) -> Text

Every input channel needs a name to identify it.


def blueprint(
on_new_message: Callable[[UserMessage], Awaitable[Any]]) -> Blueprint

Defines a Sanic blueprint.

The blueprint will be attached to a running sanic server and handle incoming routes it registered for.


def get_output_channel() -> Optional["OutputChannel"]

Create OutputChannel based on information provided by the input channel.

Implementing this function is not required. If this function returns a valid OutputChannel this can be used by Rasa to send bot responses to the user without the user initiating an interaction.


OutputChannel instance or None in case creating an output channel only based on the information present in the InputChannel is not possible.


def get_metadata(request: Request) -> Optional[Dict[Text, Any]]

Extracts additional information from the incoming request.

Implementing this function is not required. However, it can be used to extract metadata from the request. The return value is passed on to the UserMessage object and stored in the conversation tracker.


  • request - incoming request with the message of the user


Metadata which was extracted from the request.


def decode_jwt(bearer_token: Text, jwt_key: Text, jwt_algorithm: Text) -> Dict

Decodes a Bearer Token using the specific JWT key and algorithm.


  • bearer_token - Encoded Bearer token
  • jwt_key - Public JWT key for decoding the Bearer token
  • jwt_algorithm - JWT algorithm used for decoding the Bearer token


Dict containing the decoded payload if successful or an exception if unsuccessful


def decode_bearer_token(bearer_token: Text, jwt_key: Text,
jwt_algorithm: Text) -> Optional[Dict]

Decodes a Bearer Token using the specific JWT key and algorithm.


  • bearer_token - Encoded Bearer token
  • jwt_key - Public JWT key for decoding the Bearer token
  • jwt_algorithm - JWT algorithm used for decoding the Bearer token


Dict containing the decoded payload if successful or None if unsuccessful

OutputChannel Objects

class OutputChannel()

Output channel base class.

Provides sane implementation of the send methods for text only output channels.


def name(cls) -> Text

Every output channel needs a name to identify it.


async def send_response(recipient_id: Text, message: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None

Send a message to the client.


async def send_text_message(recipient_id: Text, text: Text,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Send a message through this channel.


async def send_image_url(recipient_id: Text, image: Text,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends an image. Default will just post the url as a string.


async def send_attachment(recipient_id: Text, attachment: Text,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends an attachment. Default will just post as a string.


async def send_text_with_buttons(recipient_id: Text, text: Text,
buttons: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends buttons to the output.

Default implementation will just post the buttons as a string.


async def send_quick_replies(recipient_id: Text, text: Text,
quick_replies: List[Dict[Text, Any]],
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends quick replies to the output.

Default implementation will just send as buttons.


async def send_elements(recipient_id: Text, elements: Iterable[Dict[Text,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends elements to the output.

Default implementation will just post the elements as a string.


async def send_custom_json(recipient_id: Text, json_message: Dict[Text, Any],
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends json dict to the output channel.

Default implementation will just post the json contents as a string.

CollectingOutputChannel Objects

class CollectingOutputChannel(OutputChannel)

Output channel that collects send messages in a list

(doesn't send them anywhere, just collects them).


def __init__() -> None

Initialise list to collect messages.


def name(cls) -> Text

Name of the channel.


async def send_image_url(recipient_id: Text, image: Text,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends an image. Default will just post the url as a string.


async def send_attachment(recipient_id: Text, attachment: Text,
**kwargs: Any) -> None

Sends an attachment. Default will just post as a string.